Navantia, Naval Group and Fincantieri will design a new corvette

Navantia and Naviris join forces, the conglomerate that emerged from the merger of the Italian shipyard Fincantieri and the French Naval Group, and which constitutes one of the Spanish company’s biggest rivals in the disputed international market of the naval sector. The objective of this union is to collaborate in the design of the future European corvette, a multitasking ship that is expected to be completed in 2027 within the framework of the European Defense cooperation project (Pesco).

Navantia and Naviris have expressed their alliance in a memorandum of understanding in which they state their intention to collaborate in the industrial development of the corvette. Four countries collaborate in this project, they are Spain, France, Greece and Italy.

The objective is to design and develop a prototype of a new type of military ship that can carry out, from a modular and flexible approach, a large number of tasks and missions.

The European corvette will be a “smart, innovative, sustainable, interoperable and flexible” platform, focused on maritime surveillance missions, superiority at sea and force projection, particularly in the context of peacetime operations such as combat piracy and smuggling.

It will also serve for missions of humanitarian assistance, migration control and guarantee of freedom of navigation. It will have dimensions of approximately 100 meters in length and 3,000 tons of displacement and could replace various types of ships, from patrol boats to light frigates.

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